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Lina Mukherjee Bereaksi Terhadap Kabar Kehamilan Anak Saipul Jamil

 Reported Pregnant by Saipul Jamil's Child, Lina Mukherjee Reacts Like This

Selebgram Lina Mukherjee. Photo: Clean Heart / JPNN.com

jpnn.com , JAKARTA – Selebgram Lina Mukherjee apparently has heard the news that she is pregnant with Saipul Jamil’s child.

For information, Lina is currently still serving a detention period at the Class IIA Palembang Women’s Prison related to the case of her making pork crunch content while reading bismillah.

So what is Lina’s response?

“Lina Mukherjee also knows that she is reported pregnant, her response is just laughing,” said Head of Class IIA Palembang Women’s Prison (Kalapas) Ike Rahmawati.

Ike also ensures that the news of Lina being pregnant with Saipul Jamil’s child is just a mere hoax. In fact, they have done a urine test on Lina.

“And the result is negative. The news is just a hoax,” Ike firmly said.

“So we confirm that the circulating issue is 100 percent not true,” added Ike.

Meanwhile, Lina Mukherjee’s detention period is two years and three months subdiaries and is predicted to be released in June 2025.

Lina Mukherjee is currently serving a detention period at the Class IIA Palembang Women’s Prison related to the content of eating pork crunch while reading bismillah.

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