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Pentingnya Nutrisi Gratis di Sekolah: Prabowo Subianto Ungkap Fakta

President Prabowo Subianto’s commitment to providing free nutritious meals for Indonesian children has been a long-standing advocacy even before his victory in the 2024 presidential election. As revealed by his younger brother, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Prabowo had been promoting the Free Nutritious Meal Programme (MBG) since 2006. This dedication was reiterated during an event commemorating International Disability Day in South Jakarta on 7 January. Hashim emphasized Prabowo’s unwavering dedication to this cause, even during the 2014 election campaign. Prabowo stressed the significance of ensuring that Indonesian children have access to proper nutrition and education, envisioning a bright future for the nation through these initiatives. Upon assuming office as the 8th President of Indonesia in October 2024, Prabowo officially launched the MBG programme on 6th January 2025, covering all 31 provinces of the country. This program mirrors Prabowo’s enduring belief in providing essential nutrition for the upcoming generation of Indonesians, thereby contributing to the nation’s progress and global standing.